this american curl, no matter how i disturb it, just wont budge. haha..
this calico scottish fold has a simply bo chap look
so cute, i couldnt resist taking more pics of her
friends and acquaintances, come on in leave a paw print, footprint or a comment just dont spray :)
They all look so beautiful
cat_aunty, if i am not wrong, the cats in this cafe should be all pure breed of some sort.
Can a calico still be considered pure breed? I'd thought calico arise from cross-breeding. Would the Scottish Fold be a GM breed, like the Munchkin?
i think a calico is like a colour type. whereas scottish fold or munchkin is a breed.
scottish fold should be a hybrid like munchkin, or american curl.
but i am no expert in cat breeds. i still prefer garang community cats!
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