wah, cannot sleep tonight.
i actually played a frame of 9 ball with reigning world pool double champion, and beat him!!!
ok ok, how can i be so good right? i was just lucky lah, or some say, he "pang qiu" bcos i cha bor.
nevertheless, it was a good night. he was super choon man!
see my eyes, just star studded... ahahaha...
wow. what a thrill!!!!
ksn: we know your eyes are full of stars now.
Hmm...where is Mr ksn in all of this?
wow!!!! yah, where is mr KSN har?
and, btw, i wld love to taste ur cookies - but i didn't dare to ask becuz those cat-shaped ones - i thot they were cat food! when is next time u hv gathering, let me know in advance lah, and i go and be a fan of ur cookies!! (and abt buttery - i assume u just add more butter - and dont use shortening.i have also read that if u can use lard - better still).
and, shall we meet for blading one of these days? weather hot - perfect! just need to get mozzie repellent...
hello, canton pixie - i so sad you say my painstakingly baked cookies are cat food!!!
do you know the cat and dog shaped cookie cutters I got with coboypb in Japan one leh!!!! now i need to reconsider if i want to give you my cookies liao... hehe...
blading?... pls... 放过我吧。 i scared leh...
nb : mr ksn busy sterilising his tummy (with alcohol) at the pub.
wa liao,ok, i will fang guo ni on blading.
but hor, it's a compliment that it looks like cat food! i sincerely was thinking, wah, this KSN loves cats so much - u even bake cookies for them and the cookies even look better than us human cookies!!! like those u can't bear to eat! and, i think dawn also got these cat cutters rite?
p/s i havent met coboypb yet, and i love cats too, but when they used to sleep on my motorbike more than 10 yrs ago - it used to irritate my skin. so i dont really dare to go near them even tho i love them - the way they rub against ur legs... :)
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